This Sunday, we resume our series in the gospel of John and are now are looking at chapter 2 verses 1-11. Here we see the early time of Jesus’ public ministry. John, the evangelist takes us to a wedding in Cana of Galilee where Jesus performs His 1st miracle of changing water to oinos (wine). Jesus and His…
This Sunday is Resurrection Sunday and we want to look at how we can make the resurrection real to us. While we know the facts about the resurrection and how it is so significant to our faith, I wonder do we really understand the power and help that is available to us on a day-by-day…
This Sunday, since it is Palm Sunday I thought we might do a special message for this week and next before returning to our series in the gospel of John. This special message takes us to Matthew 21:1-11, where Jesus sets in motion the events that lead to His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It begins…
This Sunday we’ll do one more message the Lord has laid on my heart before we return to our series in the gospel of John. This message takes us to 2 Corinthians 4, where Paul encourages believers, ministers, not to lose heart (faint not – KJV). The temptation to lose heart is great, every believer…
This Sunday, we take a break from our series in the gospel of John and focus on the cross and celebrating the Lord’s supper. Our text for this communion service is Luke 23:32-46. Here in this passage, we are at the crucifixion of Christ where it is interesting to see the continual ministry of Jesus even as He…
This Sunday, we continue our series in the gospel of John and are now are looking at chapter 1 verses 19-34. Here we see the results of John the Baptizer message, as he points Jesus and calls people to repentance and belief. As we said last week, John is the voice of one crying in the wilderness;…
This Sunday, we return to our series in the gospel of John that we started in December. We will be looking at John 1:19-34 and taking a deep look into John the Baptizer. He was a fascinating, faithful man who simply does what calls him to do. He is the voice of one crying in…
This Sunday, we end our series in the book of Jonah; as we finish chapter 4 looking at verses 9-11. We now discuss and explain God’s object lessons which he gave to Jonah in verses 6-8. Jonah is so worked up and emotional that he was not listening, so God uses 3 objects, a plant,…
This Sunday, we continue our series in the book of Jonah; we come to chapter 4 verses 6-8. We now come to God’s object lessons He uses to teach Jonah. But the problem is that Jonah is so worked up and emotional that he’s not listening! God uses 3 objects, a plant, a worm, and…
This Sunday, as we continue our series in the book of Jonah; we come to chapter 4 and verse 5. We’ve been talking about anger, Jonah’s anger from the text, and we now come to where Jonah just walks away from God’s question (v.4) “do you do well to be angry?”. And then Jonah begins…