This Sunday, since it is Palm Sunday I thought we might do a special message for this week and next before returning to our series in the gospel of John. This special message takes us to Matthew 21:1-11, where Jesus sets in motion the events that lead to His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It begins with Jesus sending His disciples to get a lowly beast of burden, a donkey, for Him to ride into Jerusalem. Why a donkey, and not a head held high, horse? Then as Jesus rides into Jerusalem, which is whipped up into a fury of excitement, with many people who don’t even clearly know who Jesus is. They mistake him as a physical king who will fix all their nationalistic; as well as their personal problems. It’s really sad because even more importantly; Jesus has come to die, be buried, and to rise again to provide eternal life to all these people. But they miss all that. Do you understand why Jesus has come?