walking in the light, 1 john 1: 5-7

This Sunday we continue our preaching series in the first epistle of John.  Our text this week is chapter 1, verses 5-7.  We now come to John’s announcement of the message that Jesus, (the One he had seen and heard – in person) gave that John declares to his listeners (readers).  John then goes on…

Let me tell you (Part 2), 1 John 1: 1-4

This Sunday we continue our preaching series in the first epistle of John.  Our text again this week is the 2nd part of chapter 1, verses 1-4.  Last week we looked at the first part, the first 2 verses which showed us the first 2 truths about Christ’s humanity, and His help in our Christian walk. …

Are you truly saved, matthew 7: 21-23

As we continue our verse-by-verse study in Matthew, on the Sermon on the Mount; we are now looking at chapter 7, verses 21-23. Jesus continues His expounding on the subject we looked at the last 2 weeks where Jesus was illustrating a person’s eternal path traveled – as it leads to 2 different destinations: life…

Seeing false teachers, matthew 7: 15-20

This Sunday we continue our verse-by-verse study in Matthew on the Sermon on the Mount. We are now looking at chapter 7, verses 15-20. Jesus now continues on the theme we looked at last week where Jesus was illustrating a person’s eternity path traveled – as it leads to 2 different destinations: life and destruction…

Salvation: Simple, but not easy, matthew 7:13-14

This Sunday our verse-by-verse study in Matthew on the Sermon on the Mount; brings us to chapter 7, looking at verses 13-14. Jesus has been teaching here kingdom living that puts some difficult challenges of living on the believer.  Jesus now illustrates a person’s path traveled as it leads to 2 different destinations: life and…

Do Unto others, Matthew 7:12

This Sunday our verse-by-verse study in Matthew on the Sermon on the Mount; takes us further into chapter 7, looking at just verse 12. Jesus has been teaching kingdom living here that puts some difficult challenges of living on the believer.  So, Jesus now says, in a sense, let me give you some help.  You’re…