an overview of the gospel & epistles of john, 1 john 5:11-13, john, 1, 2, 3 John

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series on the epistles of John.  Our text, as we do an overview of John’s writings is 1 John 5:11-13.  We begin this series looking at why John wrote, (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) his gospel; as well as these 3 letters named for him.  This background is always extremely helpful with knowing John’s original audience and why he writes as it helps us with exegeting each text as we explain it and then apply it to our lives.  So, a lot of background information we will look at this Sunday.  But my question all week has been this: how does this apply to the person in the pew who will hear this message?  What does it mean for them? How can they apply this information to their lives?  Well, that’s where we look more at the human author, John, and put ourselves in his shoes, sort of speak.  When we understand his struggles, we understand the why’s as to why he writes.  I think you will find it to be an interesting study.


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