Problem with Envy?

This Sunday we continue our series in the gospel of John as we are looking at chapter 3, verses 22-30.  Here we have a lesson in envy and jealousy as to how it can creep into our lives.  In addition, pride also can become a sin problem in our lives too.  Do you have a problem with envy or jealousy, even pride, in your life?  I think even believers tend to have more of a problem in this area than they think, or realize.  Or do they think they are doing pretty good in this area and thus proud of their progress that they are making with pride?  Do you look at others, wish you had what they had; or compare yourself to make you feel better about yourself?  How do we know that we have a problem with envy?  I believe there are 6 lessons that are in this text that can help us examine our own heart and life in order to see that we are humble and right before God.  John the Baptizer’s disciples had to learn and see these 6 problems in this text; problems that we should learn about too.  More on this passage Sunday morning…

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver


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