Sermons from February 2024

Do Unto others, Matthew 7:12

This Sunday our verse-by-verse study in Matthew on the Sermon on the Mount; takes us further into chapter 7, looking at just verse 12. Jesus has been teaching kingdom living here that puts some difficult challenges of living on the believer.  So, Jesus now says, in a sense, let me give you some help.  You’re…

How badly do you want it? Matthew 7:7-11

This Sunday we continue our verse-by-verse series in Matthew on the Sermon on the Mount; we are in chapter 7, looking at verses 7-11.  In this passage we will be talking about the power of persistent prayer.  Jesus says to ask, seek, and find, but what should we be asking, seeking, and knocking for in…

Removing the critical spirit, matthew 7: 1-6

This Sunday as we continue our verse-by-verse series on the Sermon on the Mount; we come to Matthew 7, verses 1-6.  In this passage we will be talking about judging others.  Jesus says not to be judgmental, but does that that we should never be judging, evaluating, looking at; or even holding an opinion, favorable…