Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

The Gospel of John

Reactions to a Resurrection

This Sunday in our series (verse-by-verse study) in the gospel of John; we are finishing chapter 11, looking at verses 45-57; where we have looked at this major miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. We have seen what is most important in this miracle; that Jesus (God) has power over life and death. And…

Why Don’t They Believe? John 11: 18-44

This Sunday in our series (verse-by-verse study) in the gospel of John; we are in chapter 11, looking now at verses 18-44; which is the center of this major miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. But what is most important? The miracle of raising a man that has been dead 4 days? Well that…

At Least Consider the Other Side. John 10: 31-42

This Sunday, we continue our series (verse-by-verse study) in the gospel of John; looking at chapter 10, verses 31-42.  In this passage, we see Jesus’ continued conversation with the Pharisees and others as things get rather heated with these religious leaders (they want to stone Him)!  Instead of hearing Him out they are ready to get rid…

Sheep & Shepherd, John 10: 1-21

This Sunday we continue our series (verse-by-verse study) in the gospel of John.  We are beginning chapter 10 looking at verses 1-21.  In this text, Jesus continues chapter 9 (a man born blind is healed by Jesus), with now publicly speaking in the same area He had just spoken to the man born blind about his…

The Blind Given Light, John 9

This Sunday we return to our series (verse-by-verse study) in the gospel of John. We are at chapter 9 looking at the entire chapter this week. In this passage, a man born blind is healed by Jesus after the disciples ask Jesus what is the source of his blindness. After the man washes in the…

Humble Yourselves and Hear the Truth, John 8: 48-59

This Sunday we continue (in our verse-by-verse study) our series in the gospel of John; we are finishing chapter 8 and looking at verses 48-59.  In this passage, the discussion/argument is getting heated as Jesus continues making points and challenging unbelief that these Pharisees cannot answer.  Jesus continues explaining and discussing facts about Himself: that He…

Are You Stubborn? John 8: 37-47

This Sunday as we continue (in our verse-by-verse study) our series in the gospel of John; we are now up to chapter 8 and verses 37-47.  In this passage, our focus will be on stubbornness!  Jesus has been explaining and discussing facts about Himself: that He is the light of the world and the truth, but…