Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

Posts from November 2022

Are You Stubborn?

This Sunday as we continue (in our verse-by-verse study) our series in the gospel of John; we are now up to chapter 8 and verses 37-47.  In this passage, our focus will be on stubbornness!  Jesus has been explaining and discussing facts about Himself: that He is the light of the world and the truth,…

Do You Really Believe?

This Sunday we continue (in our verse-by-verse study) our series in the gospel of John; we are in chapter 8 looking at verses 30-36.  In this passage, Jesus, after declaring facts about Himself that He is the light of the world and the truth, now delivers a challenge about making sure they really believe.  Now…


This Sunday continuing (in our verse-by-verse study) in chapter 8 of the gospel of John; we are looking at verses 21-30.  In this passage, Jesus, after declaring facts about Himself that He is the light of the world and the truth, now continuing, says again that people must believe on Him.  Now to the questioning…

Are You Following the Truth?

This Sunday we continue (in our verse-by-verse study) in chapter 8 of the gospel of John.  We are looking at verses 12-20.  In this text, Jesus declares at the temple in Jerusalem that He is the light of the world.  The truth of who Jesus is, is the theme of John’s gospel; with an emphasis…