The extent of the problem

This Sunday we continue our series on “noise” in our lives, and do we have a peace that should characterize the Christian life.  This Sunday, I need to finish up last week’s 3rd point: “You must believe that victory is possible” from 1 Corinthian 6:9-11. Then we’ll continue to talk this week about the “noise of temptation;” this time about the extent of the problem from Jeremiah 29:12-14.  Here we’ll talk about the extent of the problem; which is, do we really want God to work in our lives and help us grow in getting to know Him better, or do we just want the victory to save ourselves from embarrassment or to just to get what we want? i.e.: fix our marriage, make life easier or more convenient for us so that we can do what we want.  So, we consider this question: are we seeing things, seeing our life as God sees our life?  Do we really want God to work and give you the victory in your whole life? The victory that will help you to say “NO” to temptation!  I’ll explain this Sunday morning.   

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver


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