Signs of the Times

This Sunday we continue our series in the first epistle of John, in chapter 2 looking now at verses 18-19.  Here in these verses, John shifts gears a bit and begins to talk about the “last time” or “last hour.” Signs of the times, what will happen in the future?  We know that it’s the end times because of the antichrists that are out deceiving people.  But hasn’t that happened throughout history?  Another reason John gives us here to not love or trust in the world; it is passing away.  This Sunday, we will answer 2 questions that you or anyone would most likely have about these 2 verses.  They are: What is the last hour? And, Who are these antichrists?  Questions we’ll answer this Sunday morning that will help you understand the text, the future, and what John is saying here.  More on all this Sunday morning…

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver  


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