Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

What Are You, Crazy? Jonah 1: 7-10

We continue our series in the book of Jonah, looking at chapter 1, verses 7-10.  In this passage we look at the fear of God that is on these sailors and Jonah as a storm from God has been hurled on their lives.  Fear and God’s work in this storm brings Jonah to a place where he has to defend where he is at in his life – he’s running from God!  The interesting thing about this is the response of the sailors: (in so many words) “What, are you crazy?  How can you do such a thing?”  In this message we will look at 4 points about fear and what it does to the characters in this story. 

More sermon previews here.


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