Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

The Problem of Arrogance: James 4: 16-17

Our text for this Sunday morning is James 4:16-17.  We are finishing up a paragraph we started 2 weeks ago where James is addressing the problem of making plans without God.  Now he talks in verses 16-17 about a further problem of making plans without the Lord: arrogance (boasting), and not doing what we know we should be doing. 

Pride and arrogance have a way of coming in a person’s life even when they don’t know it.  Do you have a problem with arrogance?  Do we tend to make plans without the Lord, and then boast about how good we did (are)?  Do you brag about your accomplishments?  Especially things you do without the Lord?  Again, God wants to be a part of ALL our lives.  This Sunday, we will talk about the 2 sins that we will have in our lives when we make plans, or live life without God.    

More sermon previews here.


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