Lovest thou me more than these?, 1 John 2:15a

This Sunday continuing our series in the first epistle of John; we are in chapter 2 looking at verse 15.  Here in this verse, John now gives his first command (imperative) in this letter, the first of 10 imperatives (commands) that he gives.  This command he gives is about the world, loving the world, and the allurement of the world’s system.  John says to “stop loving the world” because apparently some “Christians” were doing this or struggling with this.  Some were making the world their priority; they were spending more time and prioritizing the things of this world above God!  John says STOP!  This Sunday morning, I want to talk to you about your relationship with the world’s system.  We are in the world, but we are not to be all about the world.  John’s warning is about this.  So where are you at with your relationship with the world?  Do you really love God?  Or do you really love the world?


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