Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

Don’t Show Favorites: James 2: 1-13

This Sunday we continue our series in James and will be looking at chapter 2 verses 1-13. In this passage James continues to challenge these scattered believers and address the struggles of their everyday lives, which is interesting the topic that he mentions here. Apparently showing favoritism was a problem in their lives and in their church assemblies (2:2-4), and while they may be doing well in many areas of their lives in following God’s law; showing favoritism is a sin before God; and is sinning against their neighbors. Do we show favoritism based on outward physical qualities that we see? Are we showing (practicing) favoritism and not even realizing it? Are we doing well in our Christian walk and forgetting or neglecting this important area of our lives as we interact with others? James says “have faith, show your faith” (v. 1) and don’t treat people wrongly; have no “respect of persons.” Apparently a bigger problem in people’s lives than we realize?…

More sermon previews here.


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