Guest Speaker Pastor Tom Vietti comes to Hamburg Bible Church to share about Christ’s love for children and his ministry “High Impact Ministries (HIM).” Hamburg Bible Church · Christ and Children
This Sunday is Father’s Day, and we want to talk about honoring our father’s and mother’s. Israel was told (and we are too) in the 10 commandments (Ephesians 6:1-4) to “honor your father and mother that it may be well with thee.” Exodus 20:12 is the text where we find this commandment that will be…
We’ll take a break this morning from our James series to do a special message for Father’s Day. While we will make special application to fathers, we will still be speaking about faith in everyone’s life. Our text for this message is Mark 4:35-41. Here Jesus gives the disciples a test on the waters of…
This Sunday, being Mother’s Day, we will break away from our James series to do a message in honor of our mothers. Our text will be 1 Kings 1:15-21; 28-37. Here we have a story that includes a mother who is faithful; she is a leader and used of the Lord to work on behalf…
This Sunday we continue our series in James and will be looking at chapter 2 verses 1-13. In this passage James continues to challenge these scattered believers and address the struggles of their everyday lives, which is interesting the topic that he mentions here. Apparently showing favoritism was a problem in their lives and in…