This Sunday we continue our series in James and will be looking at chapter 3 verses 1-12. In this passage James now begins to talk about the infamous and much problematic tongue. James says to be very careful about it, and then gives warnings why the tongue can be such a problem for us toward…
This Sunday we’ll break away from our series on James to focus on and celebrate the Lord’s supper. The text for this message is 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. In this passage Paul addresses the Lord’s supper and gives Christ’s instructions about it. Unfortunately, he has to confront the church of Corinth about their behavior in their…
This Sunday we continue our series in James and will be looking at chapter 2 verses 14-26. This message is part 2 of a two-part message, looking at the 2nd and 3rd point of our 3-point outline. In this passage James says “faith without works is dead!” and then illustrates with an illustration that you would never…
This Sunday we continue our series in James and will be looking at chapter 2 verses 1-13. In this passage James continues to challenge these scattered believers and address the struggles of their everyday lives, which is interesting the topic that he mentions here. Apparently showing favoritism was a problem in their lives and in…
Steps in Controlling Anger: It must be directed at a problem, not an individual. You must acknowledge your anger–especially in the area of resentment. You must control your thoughts–most anger begins in the mind. You must discern the cause of your anger. You must challenge possible irrational belief structures. You must not be bothered by…
Be quick to hear; Pastor Weaver shares tips for being a good listener. Be slow to speak. Before you speak, think: T-Is it true? H-Is it helpful? I-Is it inspiring? N-Is it necessary? K-Is it kind? Be slow to (wrath) become angry. There is no sin committed against you that Christ’s blood cannot cover.