Present Reality, Future Expectation

This Sunday we’re back in our series in the first epistle of John looking at chapter 3, verses 2-3.  Here in these verses, John continues to talk about the reality of what we are, and what we have in Christ now (salvation and assurance); and what we have in the future!  “Beloved,” he says, “we don’t know everything about the future, but we do know Christ; we will be with Him, we will be like him, we shall see Him as He is!”  And more than just that, even as we are rejoicing in all this; it is also a HOPE that is a motivator to be and to live pure and holy before God.  This Sunday, we will look at 3 facts about you, and then your future: 1. that is we are presently now the children of God; 2. that in the future we will be able to fully grasp, and 3. that we are presently motivated to be pure.  All where John is showing believers that they should be encouraged. 

More on all this Sunday morning…

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver  


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