Ever done a restoration project? Restoring and old piece of furniture or something similar into something beautiful and valuable? In our study in the book of James; we continue in chapter 5, verses 13-15. In these verses, James speaks of spiritual sickness (v.13); not physical sickness which is often taught of these verses (I’ll explain further on Sunday morning). Those that are afflicted and struggling with sin are to reach out for help! Call the pastor, call the elders (deacons) (v.14) to come pray for, with you. Note that the one struggling is the one who is to reach out (v.14). “And the prayer of faith” will restore the spiritually sick one (v.15) “and if he has committed sins they shall be forgiven;” again making the problem a spiritual one, not a physical sickness. Do you need to be spiritually restored? The prescription here in this passage is prayer for the spiritually struggling one…
More on this Sunday morning…
See you Sunday,
Pastor Weaver