Love is Action

This Sunday we continue our series in the first epistle of John looking now at chapter 3, verses 16-18.  Here in these verses, John continues his topic on love and the importance of having love for everyone as a believer.  Last week we talked about not hating anyone because it is wrong.  John is saying here that believers ought to, and must love; because hate is of the world and the devil.  Again, this is in continuing his theme of assurance (of salvation) and talking about tests that show you have been born again.  Here he says true Christians love, and have a self-sacrificing love. He explains this by making 3 points in these verses which will help us to sacrificially love others; especially loving those we think we don’t “like,” all because of what Jesus did for us.  When we consider all that Christ did for us: sacrificing Himself on the cross, forgiving us, pardoning us; we, who didn’t deserve it – shouldn’t we love others as He loves us?  More on all this Sunday morning.   

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver  


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