Jesus, On Behalf of Us

This Sunday we return to and continue our expository series in the first epistle of John.  Our text this week begins chapter 2, looking at just verse 1.  Here in this passage John further deals with the trouble of sin and that we are sinners; and that we must be honest about that.  John now takes his words in chapter 2 and brings them from a more general level: “if we say” (1:6-10) to here a more personal direct address: “my little children.”  And to these “dear ones” he gives even more helpful instructions, more theological teaching about sin and forgiveness in addition to what he’s said in chapter 1.  He makes 2 very important points here in verse 1; telling believers (interesting) not to sin, but when we do sin, we have an advocate in Jesus Christ.  What is an advocate?  Verse 1 tells us we have an advocate with the Father.  So, what exactly does Jesus do on our behalf?  This week I want to help us visualize this with using a courtroom set up that will help us “see” what it is that Jesus does for us according to John in this passage.  More on this Sunday morning…

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver  


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