Honor Your Father & Mother

This Sunday is Father’s Day, and we want to talk about honoring our father’s and mother’s.  Israel was told (and we are too) in the 10 commandments (Ephesians 6:1-4) to “honor your father and mother that it may be well with thee.”  Exodus 20:12 is the text where we find this commandment that will be the topic of our study Sunday morning.  While it may, many times, seem easy to obey this commandment; there are also times where this commandment is very difficult to obey because of a lot of broken homes, abusive homes and sinful people (amongst parents & kids).  How do we best obey this commandment, because we also note there are no exceptions to this command in the text?  What do we do?  How do we obey this command?  This text gives us three things we can see to help obey this command.  Some ways that God helps us obey especially when there is this struggle with honor where (we think) it is not deserved.  More on this topic Sunday morning…

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver

Listen to the full sermon here.


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