Children of God or Children of the Devil?

This Sunday we resume our series in the first epistle of John looking at chapter 3, verses 7-10.  Here in these verses, John is continuing his theme of assurance (of salvation) and talking about tests that show, really tell you, that verify, yes, you have been born again!  He says here again, a true child of God will not sin.  Not meaning that he/she won’t sin, but that it is not the norm, it is the exception.  It’s like he is encouraging believers as in a pep rally: you can do it, you can live righteously, don’t sin; you’re not a child of the devil! He then explains this by stating 4 things in this passage which will help in this battle of NOT exhibiting (living) a sinful lifestyle.  We will look at these 4 things this Sunday morning.   

See you Sunday,

Pastor Weaver  


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