Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

Ye Must Be Born Again: John 3: 1-8

As we continue our series in the gospel of John we are now looking at chapter 3 verses 1-8.  Here Jesus meets with Nicodemus, one of the ones He points to at the end of chapter 2, those who really didn’t believe.  The words “because He knew all men” (2:24) connect with “there was a man” (3:1) and show us what John, the gospel writer, is presenting: Jesus now interacting with one that did not believe.  And Jesus tells him “Ye must be born again;” a phrase here introduced to evangelical Christianity.  And Jesus says this phrase, not to just a plain ordinary person, sinner; this was a religious teacher a ruler (leader), a member of the Pharisees!  You can’t get more religious than this guy!  But he needed to be radically changed by the Word of God, he needed to be born again.  See, for anyone to be sure of a relationship with Christ, to be sure of heaven as their eternal home they must be born again by putting their faith in Christ alone for their salvation.  Do you know for certain that you believe, and are born again?

More sermon previews here.  


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