Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

Warning! John 8: 21-30

This Sunday continuing (in our verse-by-verse study) in chapter 8 of the gospel of John; we are looking at verses 21-30.  In this passage, Jesus, after declaring facts about Himself that He is the light of the world and the truth, now continuing, says again that people must believe on Him.  Now to the questioning Pharisees and the crowds around that were listening; He gives a strong warning.  “You must believe on Me for eternal life or you will die in your sins.”  But still, many dismiss His words, and then some believe as well (30).  What about you?  Do you believe the truth that Jesus provides salvation?  That Jesus gives you forgiveness through the penalty He paid on the cross?  

More sermon previews here.


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