This Sunday, we continue our study in the book of James. We come to chapter 5, verses 10-11. In this passage, James continues to encourage these believers that have struggled under the hand of the oppressive rich. Here’s the encouragement James gives; it is to look to the Old Testament and see those have been afflicted, and have been patient in the persecution and trials they have endured! Many prophets in the O.T. suffered through no wrongdoing of their own – they actually suffered for doing what was right. James even goes on to say that they were happy (blessed) because they were able to endure (in patience) with God’s help. And He was their source of help and comfort in the bad times. Who is your help, strength and comfort in the middle of your pain and problems (trials)? Are you just “getting through it” or is your trust, hope, and help in God; so that he can train, disciple and sustain you? Sunday morning, I want to show you why trials are so great for our learning and not something we just get through. As in “this too shall pass.”