Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

Prayer With One Another, Part 1: James 5: 16-18

This Sunday, in our study in the book of James; we come to chapter 5, verses 16-18.  In these verses, James speaks of what God has been doing all along, which some have forgot; that God still answers prayer.  And that prayer can be so effective when we do it with others. James says, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another for (“healing”) forgiveness from spiritual sickness.  Again, as we said last week, those that are afflicted and struggling with sin are to reach out for help!  For mutual prayer help!  What a great resource we have: accountability with, and for others.  But are we doing it?  Call others to come pray for you and with you.  Get an accountability partner, that you may be helped, “healed” (spiritually) (v.16)  We need the power of prayer to help us in this difficult, wicked, dark world that is continually trying to bring us down!  We need to get, use this powerful resource!  

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