Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

Plans and Decisions, Ruth 1: 1-5

This Sunday, we continue our series preaching through the book of Ruth; we are looking at chapter 1 verses 1-5.  Here we see many decisions being made as Elimelech considers his circumstances and makes a major decision to move his family to Moab.  Does he look at his situation correctly?  Does he talk to God about the decision to move to Moab?  Why is it such a problem for Elimelech and Naomi to move their family there?

How are you at making decisions?  Do you struggle with making even little decisions let alone big life altering ones?  The truth is this: that we all live with the results of our decisions, and many times we also live with the results of other people’s decisions.  So how can we make good decisions?  This Sunday we will look at that – making good decisions by not making bad ones!  Because Elimelech made bad decisions in this text. 

More sermon previews here.


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