In this passage, Jesus is now doing ministry on the other side of Jordan in the area of Perea. He went there to escape out of the hands of the Pharisees (Jews, end of chapter 10). Now a crisis comes about in the area of Bethany, just outside of Jerusalem. Jesus’ friend is sick and Jesus is notified. Jesus is not asked to come, although it is implied that He should come, but instead delays 2 days before going back to Bethany to visit Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. But, you know the story, a great tragedy happens and Lazarus dies. This should not have happened; something should have been done…Jesus if you had only been here, Lazarus would not have died! But wait, what is going on in this text? The answer that helps us understand, I believe, is in verse 4. That God is glorified! In all of their lives. Do you believe that God is glorified in your life? That ALL things that happen are done are for His glory?