This Sunday, as we continue our series in the first epistle of John, we are in the final verses of chapter 2 – verses 28-29. Here in these 2 verses, John begins a new section represented by a new paragraph in the original Greek. Some call this the hinge section between the previous and the new section especially because of the “and now” (v. 28) that begins the new thought. This section then hinges the “abiding,” used 10x in chapter 2, to the new section where John focuses on our sonship (child of God) via the new birth (salvation). This term “born,” (not used previously in 1 John) is now seen 9x from this point in the rest of this letter. There is also a theme of confidence that we see from here (2:29-4:19) to later in this book. This Sunday, we will look at 2 things that John says to us as believers that we can be sure about in this really unsure world. First, we can be sure of heaven – are you? And second, we are sure of righteous living, we can be sure, and we can tell who is really saved – by their righteous living. Are you living righteously?