This Sunday, after the special young people’s Christmas play; we will do a Christmas message from the classic text Luke 2:21-38. In this passage we will look at Christmas lessons from an aging prophet, Simeon. This story (narrative) is a part of the incarnation of Jesus, the Messiah [the Christmas Story]. On Sunday, I want…
This Sunday, we continue our look at a couple of Christmas messages from the early part of Matthew’s gospel. This week we look at chapter 1 verses 18-25. Here Matthew now begins to tell us who his entire gospel will be about: Jesus. This One, Jesus, will save His people from their sin, and he…
This Sunday, we continue taking a break from our series on the sermon on the mount in the gospel of Matthew and look at a couple of Christmas messages from the earlier part of Matthew. We go to the beginning of this gospel, and look at, this week, chapter 1 verses 1-17. Here Matthew begins…
This Sunday, Christmas Day, we will go to the Christmas story text in Luke 2:1-20. In this very familiar passage I have to ask this question: Why? Why such a humble birth? To such lowly insignificant people? Besides God’s reasons that people wouldn’t hear, listen or notice; I believe there are lessons here in this…
This Sunday, once more for Christmas, we continue our series in the first 18 verses of John’s gospel. This Sunday we look at verses 10-18. Here we have what is the true meaning of Christmas. I think many times people get caught up in the “story” of Christmas and the details of all that, but…
This Sunday, for Christmas, we continue our series in the first verses of John’s gospel. This Sunday we look at verses 4-9. Here is explained how that Christ, the Messiah (the Word v. 1), is the life and light in an evil dark world. How is the Word life and light? What does that mean? …
This Sunday, as we get closer to Christmas, we began a new series in the gospel of John (we will return and finish our Jonah series soon). We will look at the first 18 verses for Christmas; looking at verses 1-3 this Sunday. We begin this series on John now because John has much to…
Pastor Weaver presents a dramatic monologue as one of the Magi.