Sermons by Stephen Weaver (Page 18)

If God Wills: James 4: 13-15

Our text for this Sunday morning is James 4:13-15.  Do we tend to make plans without the Lord?  Do we often think that the “details” of our lives don’t matter to God?  This Sunday, I want to tell you a story about someone, a believer, who was so busy with his life, his family’s life;…

The Motivations of the Resurrection: 1 COr. 15: 35-58

This Sunday, resurrection Sunday, we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, and preaching on the motivations of the resurrection.  Paul is explaining to these Corinthian believers who were having a hard time understanding the resurrection from the dead.  So he begins in this chapter explaining the resurrection of Christ, of the dead, of Christians,…