Sermons by Stephen Weaver (Page 15)

Angry At God? Jonah 4: 1-4

This Sunday, (after a few weeks away) we continue our series in the 4th chapter of the book of Jonah.  We are looking at verses 1-4.  Here we have the reasons for Jonah extreme anger about the Ninevites, and his conversation to God about this anger.  It is good that he goes to the Lord and…

Who Knows? Jonah 3: 9-10

This Sunday, we return and continue our series in the book of Jonah.  We will be examining chapter 3 verses 9-10.  In this text we have the response of the Ninevites to the warning about their coming judgment.  They repent, but even more than that they change their ways and show true fruits of repentance. …

The Light of the Messiah

This Sunday, for Christmas, we continue our series in the first verses of John’s gospel.  This Sunday we look at verses 4-9.  Here is explained how that Christ, the Messiah (the Word v. 1), is the life and light in an evil dark world.  How is the Word life and light?  What does that mean? …

A Great Repentance; Jonah 3: 4-8

This Sunday, in our study of the book of Jonah, we are now up to chapter 3, looking at verses 4-8.  In these verses we see a repentance with great change!  Jonah arrives in Nineveh (v.4) and begins to preach the message God had given to him.  And the response is amazing – it’s change!  There was…

God Works With Us, Jonah 3: 1-4

This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Jonah, we now begin chapter 3, looking at verses 1-4.  In these verses God continues to work with His prophet and gives him a 2nd chance.  We know, because of the next 2 chapters; that, even though Jonah has repented, he still has an attitude about…

Are You Truly Repentant? Jonah 2: 8-10

As we continue this Sunday in our series on the book of Jonah, we are now finishing up chapter 2, looking at verses 8-10.  In these verses Jonah’s prayer takes an interesting shift as he has been talking about himself – now in verse 8 he says “they.” Who is he talking about? The interesting…

How Low Can You Go? Jonah 2: 5-7

We continue this week in our series on the book of Jonah, we are now at chapter 2, looking at verses 5-7.  In these verses we again have the recorded prayer of thanks (in great fish’s belly) for the prayer of repentance (in water) which is not recorded in this passage (but is explained in…