Sermons by Stephen Weaver (Page 11)

A Frustrated Pharisee; John 7

This Sunday we now come to chapter 7 of our study in the gospel of John.  In this text, Jesus again gives the truth as to who He is, but here the response is mostly from the Jews, the religious Pharisees and the chief priests.  In the interaction and conversation, the religious leaders find themselves frustrated…

Living Bread, John 6: 41-58

This Sunday as we continue our series in the gospel of John, we now come to verses 41-58 of chapter 6.  In this text, Jesus continues to talk about what is most important in life – spiritual needs.  Remember the people followed Jesus because of their stomach’s being filled at the feeding of the 5,000.  Jesus challenges…

Recognizing Needs, John 6: 22-40

This Sunday we continue our series in the gospel of John.  We continue in chapter 6, looking at verses 22-40.  In this passage, the people following Jesus wake up the next day, after their filling dinner the evening before, and are looking for Him.  Remember Jesus had caught up to the disciples by walking on the…

The Struggle of Faith, John 6: 1-15

This Sunday we continue our series in the gospel of John.  We now come to chapter 6, looking at verses 1-15.  In this text, Jesus is now ministering in Galilee and has become very popular; for actually all the wrong reasons.  He suggests to the disciples, according to Mark’s account, to get away for a while…

Witnesses to Christ, John 5: 30-47

This Sunday we continue our series in the gospel of John, and will finish chapter 5, looking at verses 30-47.  In this passage Jesus continues His explanation and teaching after a defiant response to His healing of a paralyzed man that He heals on the Sabbath.  Now He further proves His claims as the Messiah.  He alludes…