Due to the incoming ice storm, all services will be cancelled on January 9. Stay home and stay safe!

What to Expect

What Should I Wear?
Do I dress casually? Like I’m going to work? Like I’m relaxing with friends? Like I am going out for dinner? Well, the easy answer is, “Yes!” When you arrive at Hamburg Bible Church you’ll find Sunday best, business casual, and casual. We aren’t concerned with what you are wearing when you visit us. We just want you to visit us!

Where Do I Go?
Our auditorium is quite easy to find once you enter the building. Feel free and welcome to sit anywhere in the sanctuary. We will be close by to greet you and help you feel comfortable.

Where do I Take My Kids?
We have a great nursery that is staffed by safe, caring and creative people. The nursery is located just inside in the hallway on the right as you enter the building. We now have jr. church for older children up to 6th grade. They are dismissed on the last congregational song in the 9:30 AM service with qualified teachers and helpers. The vestibule and fellowship area are also equipped with monitors that stream the service if a need arises for you.

When Are Your Services?
Sunday morning at 9:30
This is our main service. The Sunday morning service is focused on Biblical preaching and worship. These services normally include congregational singing, musical presentations, and a time of preaching.

Sunday School at 11:15
We have Sunday School for all children age 0 to grade 12. Our Adult Sunday School class addresses various topics of interest from the Bible. It tends to be a little more casual than the 9:30 AM service and has a more teaching-like style.

Are You Going to Make A Big Deal About Me Being There?
No! Now, we can’t help it when our members introduce themselves, say hello, and ask you about yourself. But we promise not to shine any lights on you, make you stand up, or be otherwise embarrassed. As pastor, I would love an opportunity to meet you. You can find me all over the building, and at the door after the service. Please fill out a visitor card and take a complimentary pen and magnet!

Will I Be Expected to Give Anything?
No. We do not invite you to our church for your money. We hope that the worship and fellowship will be a gift to you, so please don’t feel obligated to give. As a matter of fact, we do not even pass an offering plate at Hamburg Bible Church. Tithes and offerings are received via a giving box in the rear of the main auditorium. Our prayer is that you will receive the greatest gift, Christ, if you haven’t already.

What is the Preaching Like?
Pastor Weaver preaches sermons directly from the verses of the Bible. If you have a Bible, you’ll want to bring it or download one to your phone so that you can follow along with his teaching. There are also Bibles in the hymnbook racks throughout the auditorium that you may use. If you don’t own you own copy of the Bible, see Pastor Weaver and he will give you a copy of the Word of God for you to keep and use as your own. You will find that the pastor’s sermons are Christ-centered and practical, emphasizing Gospel applications for real life. You can listen to his sermons here.

What Bible Translation do You Use?
For uniformity, the preaching in our services is from the King James Version, however, we are not “King James Only.” We encourage members to study God’s Word using multiple good translations. 

What If I Have More Questions?
If you have more questions, you may find an answer on this website, or you are welcome to call our office at (610) 562-0747.